Monday Motivation (on Tuesday): God our Helper

Hebrews 13:6, “So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”

What can man do to me? Your quick answer is probably that man can do a lot. Other people do have a lot of power over us. Our boss can fire us. Police can put us in jail. Our friends can spread lies. Strangers can be rude. 

But God. God is our helper. This is a hard lesson to learn again and again in life. People will hurt us. God does allow trials in our lives so that we run to Him, our strong tower, to sustain us. He desires for us to be more refined and made more holy. Refining takes place under heat and pressure.  

But God. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 He is our safe place when we feel we are under that heat. He is our protection under that pressure. He is always present and helps us.

It’s hard to not fear what man can do. But God! Lean into the wisdom He freely gives in His word. Lean in to your prayer time worshipping who He is. Knowing who HE is, reminds us that man’s power over us is limited.

ACTION STEPS with your kids: Read these passages and talk with your kids about situations where they’ve needed help that no person could give them. Seek opportunities through your day to encourage your kids to pray. Ask the Lord to humble their spirits to His leading in their life. Ask the Lord to be their helper. 

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