Holy Week. A time to soak up and remember all that Jesus did for us. He came, lived a sinless life, and then died for our sins. Each and every one of us. He didn’t count our trespasses against us. We needed Him to die on the cross to atone (or cover) our sins. What hope we have in our future with Him!
Christ, on the cross, took on God’s wrath for our sin. He bore it all. Jesus allowed God the Father to pour out his wrath on Him. He allowed our sin to be put in His name. Hallelujah, it didn’t stop there. He didn’t just take our sin upon himself, he took our sin and gave us his righteousness. Christ’s love is beyond what we can feel or imagine. His love is something we don’t deserve, but something God wants us to know so deeply.
As we think of the price He paid, what Jesus gave up on the cross for each one of us, ask yourself as you meditate on his word this week: Is he worthy? Is he worthy of our time? Most of us have an abundance of time at home with our kids right now. Kids that we have been entrusted to disciple. What better time than now to take this week leading up to Easter to slowly read as a family through the days leading up and following Jesus’ crucifixion.
ACTION STEPS with your kids: Each day this week, read Matthew 26-28. Here is a resource that can guide you when reading and studying scripture with your kids. This is a resource that you can use no matter what the passage.
If reading and talking about scripture is new to your family, now is a great time to start! Tackle these three chapters of scripture in small chunks if that’s helpful. Before beginning, pray and ask the Lord to help his word come alive to you and invite him to work on each of your hearts through reading and talking about the passage.
Read and talk through a few sections during breakfast, lunch, and dinner or before naps and bedtime. Know this, even when we feel like we’re fumbling talking through a passage, the Holy Spirit is at work! Be obedient to Deuteronomy 6:7, “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise,” and trust the Lord with their hearts.
We are praying for you and your families this week. May this Easter not pass like every other year. May it be a year we point our kids continually to the HOPE we have in Jesus’ deep love and sacrifice for each of us.
Suggested Pacing Guide:
Monday: Matthew 26: 1-25
Tuesday: Matthew 26: 26-46
Wednesday: Matthew 26: 47-75
Thursday: Matthew 27: 1-26
Friday: Matthew 27: 27-44
Saturday: Matthew 27: 45-66
Sunday: Matthew 28:1-20