HBC Online Service – February 7, 2021

Service will begin streaming around 9:00am on Sunday, February 7.

This service will be streamed online here (and on Facebook) and available anytime afterward for viewing. You are welcome to be there in person or online. However you decide to join us, we look forward to worshipping with you!

There will be no DCs, Kids Ministry, or Student Ministry classes available.

HBC Online Service – January 31, 2021

Welcome to a special online service for this snowy January morning. We pray that this service is a blessing to you and your family.

Pastor Nathan will be sharing about a series entitled, In Pursuit of Paul. If you are interested in watching this wonderful series you can CLICK HERE.

Remember: Our food drive will move to next week, so please bring your items next Sunday. We will also announce a new day for the business meeting in the coming days.